Sunday, December 30, 2012

IF "New"

A New Position
6x6 Permanent Marker on Smooth Bristol
©2012 BEDeuel
Yes, it’s time for the dread New Year’s Resolution fiasco! Time to try something new, to stretch your boundaries, to turn your life around! Yay.

Oh, I mean, “Yay!!”.

One of the most stubborn tendencies we all struggle with is negativity. It’s a very easy trap to get caught in. Being weighed down by day-to-day details and frustrations, it’s easy to just throw your hands up and say, “It’ll never happen”.

Been there, too?

I know you have just by the support and encouragement I’ve received from this blogging/art community. Empathy and shared experiences help to keep the negativity at bay. Especially while learning to navigate the world of art and marketing! Not an easy challenge for certain.

That’s my goal this upcoming year: to bring a consistent thread of positive thought and action into other avenues of life. I wish I could say that this is the first year I’ve attempted this, but, it isn’t.

As we all know, though, it often takes several attempts to succeed. Sometimes, success never comes. But, yes, as we’ve all been taught, if you don’t try, success will never happen.

So, here’s to “new” (or not so new) efforts in the New Year! And, with some persistence, here’s to achieving success in all those efforts!


For our neighbors, our friends, our heroes.

Monday, December 24, 2012

IF "Glow"

‘Tis the season, so we hear! The snow has arrived in just the right amount; a trace to dust the grass gracefully. Enough to be able to say, maybe, just maybe, we’ll have the traditional “white Christmas”.

Of course, the idea of the “traditional” can be difficult to pin down. What might be traditional to one, may be new or bizarre to another. In Florida, a white Christmas might indicate the beginning of the end of the world. Unless we’re talking about “white” sand!

As the Illustration Friday topics have come along, I’ve approached them as traditional pieces of art, or cartoon-like illustrations. There is an option for “digital” art which, not being proficient in Photoshop and such, I’ve avoided. Until now… Consider it a new approach to a traditional form for me.

What tradition would you like to do differently? Or would you not want to change a thing?

Hope the illustration reminds you of the beauty of the winter, of the coming of the season!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

IF Snow

Fun in the Snow
4x6 Water Soluble Pencil on 140# Strathmore Paper
©2012 BEDeuel

With less than 2 weeks until the Christmas holiday, it’s beginning to look like it may be another Green Christmas.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not a huge fan of lots of snow. Recently, someone made the observation that the problem with snow is that it slows everything down. Which in our everyday lives, that makes things much more difficult.

But, for a moment, let’s take that idea, and a deep breath, and imagine our lives being leisurely enough to enjoy going slower. Let’s think of all the good things we could relish on a lovely, snowy day.

An easy walk, feeling the cool touch of the flakes landing on your face. The clean, white coating of purity on the world before you. Coming into a warm and cozy home with nothing more than relaxation on your agenda. Hot chocolate, of course. Lots of it. The feeling that there is nothing that needs to be done.

One of the most wonderful feelings in the world.

So, in spite of the lack of snow, it might be time to pretend: pretend that it’s okay to slow down and do nothing but stroll through a day.

I’m sure you’ve earned it!


There is no possible way to offer anything to those this past week, in Oregon and Connecticut, who have lost loved ones. Just that you are all in our hearts and we cannot help but to cry with you.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

IF Stretch

9x12 Permanent Marker on Smooth Bristol
©2012 BEDeuel/ Bronson Hill Arts
Yes, it’s been too long a “stretch” since I’ve done an Illustration Friday blogpost. It’s been too long since I’ve blogged about something other than shows and shops.

While this may look like an illustration of a couple of basketball players (yes, it is, I know), I’m looking at this IF metaphorically.

In this world of art, of marketing, of the home business, of computers, there are so many directions for which to reach. The dilemma is multi-faceted. If I take the time to create art, I don’t have enough time to work on the business. To work on the business, I need to work on the computer which is just one aspect of marketing. Another aspect of marketing is simply hitting the proverbial pavement in search of that one shop or gallery that will find the market for my art.


Over the last several months, I’ve been trying the face-to-face approach with shops and craft fairs and galleries. While the work has been welcomed, there has yet to be that one big breakthrough. This is after a couple of years of trying the online marketing.

I’m still “stretching” for that ball. It just may be time to change the game plan again. To what? What will be next?

Will I ever reach it? Will it ever happen or will it always be outside my grasp?

I don’t know.

I do know that I still love doing what I’ve been doing. For now, I believe I will keep “stretching” to try to make the magic happen.

As Time Goes By... Woof!

As mentioned in the last blog,  it's been 8 years since we started to promote the idea of artistic personalized items. Bronson Hill Art...