Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm Late, I'm Late!

If an hour is always 60 minutes, why does it seem so short at times and so very long at others? With the exception of February, each month consists of the same number of days every year, yet with the proverbial blink-of-an-eye, the calendar page needs to be flipped again. And, on the subject of months, why is the shortest month always the longest (at least in western New York)? Actually, that one’s obvious; no need to expound on that.

Covered Bridge Vermont
©Scenes of Serenity Note Cards
Portion of Sales Goes to Hearthside Cats
 It seemed when I was in school, especially grade school, the summer lasted forever. Maybe even a little too long. I admit that I was a “brainiac” and liked school, but it wasn’t as if I did nothing that I liked to do during the vacation. I swam, played at summer theater and spent tons of time with friends just enjoying our time to ourselves.

Now? Forget it! It seems Memorial Day is here and within a month’s time, it’s Labor Day! I know part of the reason is that there is so much more that needs to be done on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly basis that it’s hard to find the leisure time to sit back and enjoy the season. I find myself working so hard to find time to relax and soak up the warmth and scents and views, all the time just gets used up!

We all do it. We try to cram so many events into our lives that our lives disappear. If you consider that we have to schedule an event, i.e., vacation, to create leisure time, it’s really sort of sad.

Covered Bridge Vermont
Another Angle of the Original
There’s no way of truly slowing time down. It’ll never be as generous as it was when we were younger. Every year, I’ve resolved to be sure to relish the sunlight and long days. And every year, I’ve failed. I never manage to drop enough responsibilities to make up the time I need for those pleasures.

This year, the plan is to make that time happen is to revamp the gardens to eliminate the weeding. Shrubs, shrubs and more shrubs. Minimal flowers, lots of ground cover. Mike is going to stop mowing the more remote areas of the yard. The bicycles will be primed to hit the Canal Path by Memorial Day, not sitting in the shed for 2 out of 3 of the summer months. We’re going to find the walking path behind this house we’ve lived in for the last 7 years and use it. Regularly.

Yep, the house will be a bit dusty, the furniture fuzzy with cat fur, splashes of pop on the counters and floor. It’ll be tidied as needed, but it will not be on the “schedule”. And, you know, a lot of weeds are quite pretty. Really!

It’s time to reclaim our time. Join me?

And the Winner is.....!

Carol of Facing 50 with Humour! Which is, by the way, the best 15 minutes of the day. You've got to check her blog out. It is funny and fantastic!

Carol, let me know what you'd like celebrated with your Gift Tag: theme, colors, interests, name of the recipient and age, if relevant.

Thank you for participating in the giveaway, Carol! And, thank you, all, for being my blog friends and more!

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