Toy for IF
Prismacolor Soft Lead Art Pencils on Strathmore Bristol Smooth 100#
©2011 BEDeuel
For Spooky
Cats, no matter how self-impressed they appear, can revert to kitten-hood in a heartbeat if given the right toy.
My last little girl, Muffin, was with me for 16 of her 18 years. And she was the perfect cranky old lady. She was so cranky, she actually "slapped" our oldest when she talked "cat" at her once. She hated not being an only cat and got her wish her last year on this side of the Universe when she was the last feline resident standing.
But, when the mood hit her, she loved to chase her tail. She'd bounce around, curling about in her effort to nab that pesky critter behind her. Her face would light up, her pupils dilate and she'd look like she was 2 again. It was so wonderful to see her like that.
When it stopped, we knew we were on the bottom half of the hourglass. And, no matter how old they become, or how ill, it's horrible to deal with the anticipation of the loss. And, the loss is still hard to accept.
But, when I think of my girl, I remember the love and the fun: the fun she had alone and the fun we had with her.
When "Toy" was the Illustration Friday suggestion this week, it took a while for the idea to click. But watching the newest generation of four-footed children wreak havoc nightly finally hit me.
So let's celebrate love of life and toys!
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