Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ah, Autumn!

Vermont View
5x8 Water Soluble Pencil
©BEDeuel/Bronson Hill Arts

Autumn is here, officially and literally. It is a very wonderful time of the year in this part of the world, upstate New York.

While Earth’s outdoor residents are scurrying to prepare for cold, nasty weather and snow galore, it seems that this is the season that gives the rest of us the right to unwind and relax.

The yard is as trimmed and prettied as best it will be for the year. The weather breaks in such a way that pleasant activities are easier to enjoy without the heat and humidity. The colors are startlingly beautiful. The holidays haven’t started their demands on our time or finances yet.

Yep, it is a wonderful time of the year.

Autumn inspires creativity of the mind and the hands. It can be needlework, photography, artwork, writing letters, kitchen magic, anything! It can also simply invite you to curl up next to loved ones and dive into a book or ten.

The hope is as always that everyone takes the time to indulge their bliss. My hope is that this is the season that makes it possible for you!

Happy Autumn!

As Time Goes By... Woof!

As mentioned in the last blog,  it's been 8 years since we started to promote the idea of artistic personalized items. Bronson Hill Art...