Monday, December 13, 2010

Only 3 Days Left to Win! Giveaway Deadline is December 15th!

Just a reminder, friends! I know it's a (hopefully, happily) busy time of the year, but I don't want you to miss out on the Giveaway announced last week!

If you leave me a heartfelt note of cheer, you'll be entered in a drawing to win an 8"x10" photo-quality print of any available piece shown on this blog. That includes any of Mike's photo-art pieces, too!

Simply click to leave a comment or contact me at bronsonhillarts [at] gmail [dot] com, write your note and let me know which item you'd like and to what address to send it. 

The winner will be drawn Wednesday night, the 15th, so sign up! 

Don't you just love a free gift?

1 comment:

  1. heartfelt cheer! cat on lap, so one-handed typing! enter me, and if i win, pick the next name and give them the prize. just a little winter merrymaking behind the scenes ...


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As Time Goes By... Woof!

As mentioned in the last blog,  it's been 8 years since we started to promote the idea of artistic personalized items. Bronson Hill Art...